Tag Archives: Fashion

Designer: Zuhair Murad

Popularity soars amongst Hollywood starlets for this designers gorgeous gowns.   Zuhair Murad is the “it” designer for every fashionista’s red carpet appearance.  Celebrities including Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus, Alessandra Ambrosio, Kristen Stewart and Blake Lively, to name a few, have donned at least one of these lavish ensembles. Here are a few pictures from Zuhair Murad runway shows in the recent past.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this post.


So in case you haven’t noticed there’s a new fashion trend for the boys!  Instead of the ever so classic pocket square there is now the chic and sweet lapel flower.  Produced in an array of different materials including silk, chiffon, felt, and wood to name a few this little accessory is sure to add a little color to any outfit.  A great new alternative to the norm, in my opinion.  Widely available at all major retailers.  And here’s just a few options to check out.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this post.


Styled to Rock! is a new show on the E!’s Style Network hosted by the one and only style icon and singing sensation – Rihanna.. And alongside her on the judging panel is the amazing creator of the well known brand Billionaire Boys Club (aside from a million other things) Pharrell Williams, beautiful supermodel Erin Wasson and the amazing Mel Ottenberg, Rihanna’s own stylist.

A similar concept to that of Heidi Klum’s popular show Project Runway, each week the wannabe designers work with a different celebrity special guest to come up with designs that wow the judges and keep them in the competition.  Some of the familiar faces you can expect to see are: Kylie Minogue, Miley Cyrus, Khloe Kardashian, Big Sean, Naya Rivera, Carly Rae Jepsen & Kid Cudi just to name a few. And of course there are some sweet prizes for the winner including a spread in Glamour magazine, a spot on Rihanna’s own design team and a whopping $100, 000 cash.

For all of you at home that wish you could be a fashion designer but just don’t think it’s in the cards, this is the show to fill that void. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this post.


Some people think tattoos make them look strong, aggressive, or even intimidating — and in some cases that is true, but that’s not exactly the right reason to get them.  Other people fall into the trend because their favorite celebrity has something they think looks amazing and gives them a certain “je ne sais quoi?”.  But just because it looks good on someone else doesn’t mean it’s going to look good on you.  Celebrities can get away with a lot: oddly cut or colored hair, weird clothing trends, crazy relationship choices (haha).  Where we live, in the real world, being a lawyer, teacher, or politician with a neck or arm full of tattoos may not go over so well in daily life.

I think tattoos should really mean something to you if you decide to get one (or decide to get a few).  They should, in my opinion, represent a time in your life that something really significant happened: a birth, a death, a celebration, a motivation, a new beginning.

That tattoo will be with you forever, and when I say forever I mean FOREVER! — 75 years old and rocking “Smoke Up!” across your now grandpa belly — Ekkkk!.  And yes, I know there are tattoo removal techniques out there but why go through all that pain (which from what I’ve heard is even worse then getting the tattoo itself) when you can just think before you act.  If the tattoo actually means something to you then you may not regret it but a dolphin on your shoulder representing you graduating high school is not what I mean.  Let’s be realistic here.

If you want a tattoo a few things you should consider before you go ahead and get stamped:

1) Consider and want the tattoo for at least 1 year: for some this may seem like a long time to wait but if you truly feel that this is something you want on your body for the rest of your life then that’s actually not very long at all.  And keep in mind that trends change, something that’s cool now may not be cool in a few years.  Impulse tattoos are risky — let’s just say, try not to have alcohol as a part of this body art conversation.

2) Colored tattoos can fade: depending on what you decide to get this may not be just one trip to see your new friend the Bob the tattoo guy.  Over time colored tattoos can fade therefore keeping them out of the sun and applying sun block when you are out is essential for longevity.  But one day your bright blue may not be so bright anymore and then it’s time for a touch up.

3) Placement is key:  If you want to keep your options open with what career path you’ll have in the future or what kind of person you’d like to attract as a life partner then you might want to think twice about those flames on your chest travelling up the left side of your neck.  Choose a spot that you know you can cover if necessary.  Just saying…

4) Get the tattoo with henna first: henna is a temporary form of body art in which an artist can draw on your skin and it lasts for only a short period (5-10 days) and that way you can see and get a feel for what this will look like on a daily basis.  If you don’t know anyone that does henna just have a friend (hopefully an artsy one) draw your tattoo on you with permanent felt marker and it’ll give you the same desired effect, providing you with some much needed time to ponder your decision.

5) Go see the tattoo artist… for a consultation: the person doing your tattoo will understand that this is something that will stay with you, potentially, for life therefore they are usually quite forthcoming with giving you advice on what’s a good idea and what’s not.  Sometimes they are even willing to stencil on a rough sketch of your sought after design so you can see it before you go ahead with the final product.  Also, being comfortable with your tattoo artists previous work and even their personality is something to consider.  Knowing the person does good work and cares about the end result might be something you want from the large, muscular man inking your skin with a sharp needle.

6) Possibility of Infection and/or allergy : Blood plus needles equals risk of infection. You’re fine if all the equipment is clean and sterile — so ixnay on that spontaneous vacation tattoo on some remote beach.  Make sure you’re at a reputable place to guard against diseases like hepatitis and HIV.  Allergies are rare but possible and you’re not even necessarily in the clear after your skin heals.  Allergic reactions can happen even after years of living with your body art so buyer beware.

7) Consider what this tattoo will look like 10, 20, 30 years from now: for the ladies – remember even if you don’t want children now you may in the future.  Depending on where you put your tattoo it may distort.  Stretch marks are a natural part of life and your body may not always look the way it does now.  Gaining and losing weight will change the shape of your body and therefore the shape of your orange heart or purple star as well.  That goes for the guys too. You may be buff now but that 6-pack of abs may turn into a 18-pack of beer belly one day so watch out because that fish may also start looking like a whale.

At the end of the day, I am a firm believer in freedom of speech and expression so if you really want to get that dolphin, those flames, the orange heart, the purple star, the fish or the whale, or even the always classic “Smoke Up!” stamp, please by all means, do so.  Just be aware that you and those around you will be seeing that day in and day out for a long time so please just make sure it’s a darn handsome portrait of Elvis Presley on your bicep 🙂

In the kindest way: THINK BEFORE YOU INK! ❤

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this post.


These are just some of my beauty favorites from this Fall 2013 season.  Depending on your mood you can incorporate the deep, rich burgundies with a cat eye or if you’re feeling crisp and fresh maybe try out the dramatic eye with a nude lip.  Also adding some leather or sparkle to your attire will bring everything together and definitely make you stand out in the crowd.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this post.


And so it begins…

The first post isn’t an easy one.  Trying something new is scary.  Not knowing if your going to do a good job and have people like you and what you have to say, is difficult.  But there in lies the beauty of blogging.  I’ll post things and discuss matters I love and feel passionate about and if you agree feel free to follow along 🙂

This is for all those that are free and open people with different opinions and thoughts that just want a fun blog to check out every once in a while.  I’ll touch on fashion, beauty, music, food, photography, quotations, social media, marriage and maybe even the occasional sports updates (who knows!?).  The possibilities really are endless.

I hope you, enjoy! ❤

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the images used in this post.